So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live.
Numbers 21:9
Give: the truth
There’s an invisible role in the story of Moses and the bronze serpent: someone had to hold up the serpent. Someone had to attach the bronze figure to a pole and lift it high so it could be seen. The people needed a truth-teller, a person who was courageous enough to show them the consequences of their deeds. It can seem daunting to hold up the truth of mistakes, calling people’s attention to an issue that requires confession and forgiveness. But when Moses or an unnamed volunteer held up that serpent-stick, the healing finally happened. Whatever anxiety the truth-teller held before hoisting the staff was worth it once the recovery began.
Telling the truth doesn’t always lead directly to healing. In fact, truth-telling can be dangerous— just ask Jesus, whose truth-telling placed him on the cross. But if healing requires an honest reckoning, it also needs someone with the courage to tell the truth.
How can you show people the truth today? Give the gift of a truth spoken lovingly, respectfully, and honestly to someone who might be freed by hearing it.