Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
In the United Methodist Church, we promise to support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Your financial giving to the General Fund goes to the operations and mission work of the church: it pays staff salaries, funds our outreach programs,
and provides the facilities and supplies for worship, based on the annual budget established by the Church Council. In addition to your tithes and offerings to the General Fund, you may also choose to contribute to one or more of our Designated Funds designed to provide additional support for specific ministries.
Ways to Give
In Person
- Place your gift in the collection plate at Sunday morning services.
- Mail to Oriental UMC, PO Box 70, Oriental NC 28571.
- Drop off your gift at the office during the week at 404 Freemason Street.
- Realm Online Giving (The church pays a 3% fee for donations made through this method.)
- Through your bank (Click here for more info)
Legacy Giving
If you are interested in learning more about stocks/security donations, RMD (required minimum distribution) donations, donor advised funds or legacy giving, please contact the church office.

Your Gifts at Work
Want to see exactly what your contributions support? Have a look at our Outreach programs.
Your privacy is important to us. Financial giving information is available only to the Realm System Administrator, the Financial Secretary and the Assistant Financial Secretary.